Snorkeling in Cayman
Snorkeling in Cayman is very different than in Bermuda. There aren't as many shallow spots here in Cayman even if the fish are plenty. We went snorkeling today for the first time here in Cayman, with a couple of friends. They lent me their flippers and boy, did that make all the difference in staying afloat in water that was at least 20 feet deep. I got some awesome shots and even spotted a turtle but stupidly did not have my camera with me at that particular time. It was my first turtle sighting too, and this one was a big turtle. Well, there's always next time, especially since Cayman's waters are abundant with turtles. Of the pictures I did take, here are some that came out quite nice. Even though the water was quite deep (by my standards), it was clear and I managed to get some shots of fish that I did not get to in Bermuda. So here goes.
The BLUE TANG. There were so many of these guys and they are so used to people that I was able to get close enough and hover. They did not seem to mind one bit. Juvenille Tangs are bright yellow in colour (of which I saw one in Bermuda), which they tend to lose for the bright blue you see here.
Here are a couple of Blue Tangs with a multicoloured Parrotfish. I am so pleased with the way this shot came out and you can see why. Aren't they just gorgeous?At one point I felt the current push me towards the rocks that were littered with sea urchins. To brace myself I reached out and ended up touching a wall of Brain Coral. It was a squishy feeling, like how touching brains is supposed to feel...not good. It was then that I noticed this Hermit Crab tucked in this bed of Brain Coral. I snapped away. It didn't like it but I didn't care. And I know they say you're not supposed to touch the coral but this was by total accident. I swear! Anyway, here it is. I've zoomed in while editing, for maximum viewing pleasure.
And finally, these guys were everywhere. You're looking at a couple of Stoplight Parrotfish. At one point I was hovering over four of them. They're obviously quite used to people because believe me, I was really close when I got these shots. I love this one. It looks like this one is smiling and greeting me with a: Hey, where have you been? Long time no see!
My last shot of the evening and it came out quite well, especially considering my proximity. It's awesome, in fact. This one looks scary like it's about to bite me, but really it was just getting ready to munch on some coral. I've written about Parrotfish before and if you'd like to learn more, especially about their sex changes, then please click here. (Bet I've got your attention now!).
I've also got loads of videos. In fact I was so thrilled that I couldn't decide if I should take pictures or videos. Stay tuned for those.
*Note: All pictures have been taken with the Olympus Stylus 850 Underwater Camera. All images are copyrighted.
The pics sure are awesome...whats the camera you use?
Lovely write up and awesome pictures. Which camera do you use for the underwater photography?
Nice pics! Why did you wait so long to go snorkeling!
You are really showing off since you are in Cayman, swimming in the
DEEP!!!! EXCUSE ME!!!! That is nice.
Terrific snorkelling pictures!!! I just love snorkelling, but of course, here in NY do not get to do much of it....LOL!! I'm REALLY behind in blog reading...trying to catch up! Glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself!
Hi Nice pics & nice 2 see that u starting writing again
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