Guessing game
For the longest time I have wanted to spot this on my own, and have been so envious when other fellow islanders have told me they spotted it on any given day. Well, wouldn't you know it, I did spot it but had no clue as to WHAT it was. First of all I barely saw it, so well camaflauged it was in the seaweed. When I did spot it lurking, it along with its friend seemed very wary of my presence, that I didn't dare approach it any further. I hung back and took shots and videos of it as best I could. I had to show hubby what it was and he recognised it in a flash. So, what is it? Care to take a guess. Anyone?
A squid?
A little brown sea creature?
BTW, I will soom be ready with the Battlestar Season 3 DVDs. A buddy at work who borrowed them says he is on the last one now, so....
Of course you would know MB! :-) You were supposed to get those copies from me. I was all set to lend them to you too.
And yes everyone it IS a SQUID!!!
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