Friday, February 27, 2009

Weaver stamps

Stamps that are far too pretty to be separated to put to use. Each row of stamps that, as a whole, tell about the Cayman tradition of weaving. Remember weaving? I've talked about this before...

I'm posting this here so you can see what this set looked like as a whole and the story it told, just in case you happen to get an individual one like say...the boy in the third column, and have no idea as to what he's doing. Yeah, I'm helpful like that! :-)


bichonpawz said...

They really ARE cute stamps though!! Hey....did you watch the episodes of Big Love on Hulu or something else?? I'm still sooooo far behind, but am hoping to catch some point!! Hope all's well with you!

TalkToday said...

That is really cool. I think I'll get a page of those!