Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Road rage

You know that law in NY & Toronto, where driving while on a cell phone is prohibited and a serious infraction, leading to fines (and I'm hoping prison). Yeah, they really need to implement that law here in Cayman. You will not believe the number of IDIOTS I cross paths with each day that can't seem to drive and the reason being well, surprise surprise, they're on their cell phones while they stupidly occupy the road. It's gotten to the point where I honk my horn and give them dirty looks. I really don't care who's behind the wheel, it could be a government official, for all I care, but heck if they can't take the time out to drive responsibly then that's too bad. And what fool on the road ahead of me signals AFTER he's stopped. Do people not know how to drive? You signal first and then stop on the side of the road, if that's your intention. Not after the fact. And this too on the bypass. Morons, if I've ever seen any.

And here's another...while waiting at the stop light in the right hand lane, do they not know that while it's green they can inch up and make their turn as long as they are yielding to oncoming traffic. This also means that they will have the right of way once that light turns yellow. This does not mean that they get to sit in that lane, behind the line and only make the turn when the right hand arrow is green and lit up. I had half a mind to get out of my car today, walk up and knock and give them a one on one in how to make a right turn at the light. I mean is this so hard a concept to follow. I'm sure it's in the driving book somewhere. Well, unless you're from a CERTAIN country where there isn't this sort of right hand turn at the light thing, and since you pretty much transfer over your license thanks to the Geneva Convention Road Traffic Agreement there by being ignorant of the rules of the roads of Cayman. I'm not going to name the nationality of this particular person but case in point, I was stuck behind them in traffic twiddling my thumbs in frustration. Do they not watch other drivers make that same right turn, and think Gee, maybe I'm not doing something right. Surely in this case Monkey See Monkey Do would work. Next time I AM getting out!


bichonpawz said...

You GO Girl!! I am with you 100% on this! AND I wish they would add texting to that law!

ruthibel said...

I agree with the texting bit. Texting, in my view, is even more dangerous than the phone calls...

MarkD60 said...

I have to say, while I agree, the one time I did pull over, (in a quiet residential neighborhood, not the main highway or anything) a cop pulled up alongside and asked me what the hell I was doing. I told him I was on the phone and he told me to get moving.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cute - I live in Ontario, and there is *unfortunately* absolutely no law the prohibits people from speaking on their cellphones while driving.

Nice blog by the way! :)