omega 3 goodness
Salmon is hailed as 'the' fish to incorporate in one's diet. Loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, it is literally food for the brain, among its many other dietary contributions. A couple of interesting facts about salmon: they are born as fresh water fish & migrate to the ocean, spending up to five years to reach sexual maturity after which they return back to fresh waters to spawn. It's said that salmon return back to the very place they were spawned. The unfortunate thing about this species is that most die soon after spawning, some within a few days, others within a few weeks. Such a waste, eh?After the move to Canada, we began to incorporate salmon into our diet. Understandable given that salmon is native to Canadian waters and its consumption is far too salubrious. Countries everywhere are getting in on the benefits of incorporating salmon into their diet. And while Salmon is priced relative in Canada because it's a local fish, it would make sense that it would cost a bit more overseas. Definitely more so in Bermuda, (assuming this salmon came from Canada), most Canadian imports are even more expensive now due to rise of the dollar. But this much more? And for just half a salmon? I know it's fresh, but still...
That sounds about right...welcome to the rest of the world where Salmon is not the local fish...I suppose it's native to Scotland, but you know you're in the United Kingdom because it's still expensive! We love it is the word.
Nice. I can still taste my fav.. Mahi Mahi.
One thing that is constant about Bermuda...the cost of very expensive!
Oh well, this veggie's gotta make do with Flax Seeds :)
Thanks everyone fo ryour comments!
Forty Five Minutes: I hear ya! We LOVE salmon too!
RI: I've been meaning to email you!
BB: Actually it keeps on rising. Milk is now at USD $4.50 for a half gallon! I don't know the middle class Bermudian families survive.
Zen: For me, being a vegetarian is so hard. I try every year, during Lent (and atleast we're allowed fish). So, WOW!
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