Wednesday, November 14, 2007

happy children's day

If you were in India, you'd be celebrating Children's Day today. It's a day that's just that, a celebration of children. There are many other countries that celebrate Children's Day on various different dates, but in India, since 1959, it's been celebrated on the birthday of India's first Prime Minister - Jawaharlal Nehru (also the father of Indira Gandhi). This day was specifically changed & chosen to fall on his birthday, because of his well known love for children. So, what does this day mean for children in India? Well, it's a fun day where kids all over the country, who normally wear uniforms on every other day, get to don on their nicest (non uniformed) clothes for the school day. When we were kids, we'd call this 'coloured clothes' - a treat, only otherwise reserved for one's birthday! As I remember it, every year on Children's Day, we came into school in our 'coloured clothes' like it was a regular day , except there were no classes, no books, no tests! What we did have was a giant jolly big party. There were candies & chocolates, songs & dances, games & shows - just a whole day of fun. A day we always looked forward to.

America has been celebrating Children's Day since its inception
by then President Clinton in year 2000. Unfortunately, neither Canada nor Bermuda celebrates this day & I am surprised. I think it should. It would be worthwhile to celebrate such a day as this. With the growing number of child abuse cases every year everywhere, a day dedicated to children, is a day that can make a difference to the very same children who are the innocent victims of today's dysfunctional world. Wouldn't it be reassuring to your child, to any child that they are being celebrated just for who they are & what they are. It's a great way to build self esteem, pride & create a common thread among children, regardless of colour or race. So, to all the children in the world over, HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY! I hope you're having as much fun as you possibly can.


bichonpawz said...

What a wonderful idea! Sort of like Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Grandparent's Day.

indicaspecies said...

A lovely post and a good suggestion.


BB, Thank you! Yes it is...America does celebrate it. It just needs a little more publicity!

Thanks, Indica Species.